About the Toll Bridge

To cross through from each town of Oldtown, MD and Green Spring, WV there is a small, unique, historic bridge called the Oldtown Toll Bridge. The bridge was originally built by act of Congress, and a tie inspector named Melvin R. Carpenter in December of 1938. Carpenter had a great idea, instead of traveling through Cumberland to venture through Fort Ashby, Springfield, just to be in Green Spring why not build a bridge to go across the Potomac river.

Not quite 100 years later the Oldtown Toll Bridge is still standing 200 foot-long and 10 foot-wide. One of few remaining privately owned bridges in the United States, but only one in Maryland.

Us at the Oldtown Toll Bridge encourages travelers, hikers, fisherman, kayakers, and anyone that floats on the Potomac river to stop and give the beautiful historic bridge a look.

You can send any pictures that you would want posted to our Facebook page.


(There is a fee to drive across from the states of West Virginia and Maryland.)